I can resonate with your article. I am of this same belief. We humans get jealous and some of us know how to accept it as just a feeling and we get past it knowing our own turn will come. However, I feel like you might be reacting based on assumptions. Maybe not necessarily cutting her off but having the conversation with her and understanding that you might have to keep certain informations from people is vital because not everyone will be happy for and with you. But have it in mind that she used to come through for you, even if she might have given off the vibe that she enjoyed you depending on her. You do not have to completely cut her off but I understand why you feel the need to because what's the essence of friendships if I can't tell you things when I am happy or sad but that's the reality of life. Nobody is perfect. Not everybody will be happy with your progress. I hope you get wholesome female friendships because they exist. Thank you for putting this in words. The gray areas are true.