When Was the Last Time You Cried?

3 min readJul 22, 2022

The Cloud In Me Rained.

A woman laying on the floor with tears trickling down her eyes
Photo by cottonbro

Crying is a typical reaction to a variety of emotions. Most of us cry for various reasons. I bet the hard guys can’t relate.

I saw this publication ask people to write about the last time they cried. I should’ve sent it in but I let procrastination win. Still doesn’t mean I can’t jump on it and share it with my medium family.

When I was younger, I would cry if I didn’t win a dance competition or if something didn’t go as planned in my head, especially if it was something I was looking forward to.

I was always the sobbing queen when the instructor threatened to beat everyone in class as a kind of punishment, and before you knew it, I had wept for the entire school (no one else needs to cry at this point).

I weep when I watch someone grieve over the loss of a loved one, the loss of a valuable thing, or the pain of an event that should not have occurred to them, and on rare occasions, I cry when I see a movie character crying. You don’t get to judge me, I am a soft woman.

I grew up in environments that required me to toughen up, and I also witnessed humanity in situations that required strength. In relationships, it has become the new norm to act tough even when you’re not. Although it was unhealthy, I assumed it was necessary.

I consider myself a soft person, so I had to put up a front often — hard guy as we all know it to be (I do not recommend). As someone who likes to feel my emotions, just like the wind against your face when taking a walk. I do not always want to be that person who can bottle things up and move on, I try to embrace how I’m feeling as much as possible. If you ask me, it feels better.

It is okay not to be okay, and it’s okay to cry if you want to, especially if you’re a boy or a young man. Take the time and find a safe space to cry if you need it, it helps.

When was the last time I cried?

I’m not sure when it happened, but I do recall why. After quitting my job, I had a moment of self-reflection. Confused, I did not know what I was doing, or maybe I didn’t understand it. I was tired of feeling like I had accomplished nothing, or that the things I wanted were yet to materialize, despite my best efforts.

I was fed up with what I perceived to be a hardship. After a long and stressful day, I was ready to retire to bed for the night. I laid my head on my pillow and cried silently because I was exhausted. I remembered my religion, prayed to my God, and shut my eyes to sleep.

It was one of those nights.

When was the last time you cried?

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Learning to be more comfortable with uncertainty. I turn my life lessons into articles. #Narratives #Humor #Marketing #NewWriter